C & W Industrial is a proud community sponsor, and we assist several associations with their fundraising efforts throughout the year. With more than 40 years in Bay Bulls, we’re committed to giving back to the community.
Only a Boat Fundraising Dinner & Auction
This event supports the Wooden Boat Museum of NL. C & W has been a proud supporter since 2011.
Knights of Columbus, Dean Patrick Cleary Council
Since the start up of their Christmas Hamper drive in November of each year, C & W Industrial has been assisting the Knights of Columbus in providing non-perishable food items to needy persons in our area. We are pleased that our contribution can provide several families with a hamper.
Bay Bulls-Bauline Athletic Association
Each year C & W is a proud sponsor of the Bay Bulls-Bauline Athletic Association’s very successful Winter Carnival and their annual Auction which raises funds for youth activities and equipment in the area.
Southern Shore Shamrock Classic Golf Tournament
For the past several years, Pennecon Ltd. has organized a Golf Tournament at The Wilds. Proceeds are donated to local schools for various projects.
Mobile High School Scholarship Fund
C & W contributes 4 individual scholarships each year; in addition a $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a child or grandchild of a C & W employee. The scholarship winners are decided by staff at Mobile High and presented by Mrs. Margaret Crane on behalf of C & W Industrial.
Festival of the Sea
C & W is a sponsor of this annual event which alternates between Newfoundland and Ireland and takes place in early September. Events include folk festivals, community breakfasts and luncheons, kitchen parties, bus tours and church services.
Hockey Team
C & W is a proud sponsor of the “Down the Shore Hockey League.” Several of our employees are members of the C & W team.
Southern Shore United Soccer League
C & W is a proud sponsor of our regional soccer club. Teams consist of both boys and girls ages 7 and up. We are pleased that the children of some of our employees are team members.
Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Center
Each year C & W contributes to Cancer Research through the annual Daffodil Campaign and with donations throughout the year.
In addition to our regular community involvement, C & W assists other community groups throughout the year, including:
Police Curling Benefit for Special Olympics
Southern Shore Search & Rescue
Kinsmen Club of Witless Bay
Bonavista-Trinity Minor Hockey League
Tri-Pen Frost Minor Hockey Association
Fogo Island Minor Hockey Association
Southern Shore Junior Breakers